Copyright Notice

The design, layout, presentation, and rendering of this web site is copyrighted by The Barefoot Hawaiian, Inc. with all rights reserved and are protected under both The United States of America and International Copyright Laws. The internal code that creates this rendering (HTML, JavaScript, Stylesheets, etc.) is under a license for use by The Barefoot Hawaiian, Inc. and is copyrighted by our web site development provider.

In addition, all Barefoot Hawaiian, Inc. proprietary photographic images presented and rendered on this web site are copyrighted by and is the property of The Barefoot Hawaiian, Inc. with all rights reserved.

No Barefoot Hawaiian-owned photographic image, company description, or rendering code or style contained on or within this web site may be, without expressed written permission, (1) copied or downloaded from this site and presented on another web site or used in any other electronic form including but not limited to Email attachments and backgrounds, CDs, DVDs, and image files; (2) linked directly to it from another web site for rendering on that site or for using in Email or any other electronic form; or (3) copied or downloaded and used in any printed form, except as indicated below.

Our clients and prospective clients are, however, permitted without prior written permission to print our web pages for the sole purpose of evaluating our services and products, carrying out a contract with us, or to share with and distribute to others who are or may be prospective clients of The Barefoot Hawaiian, Inc. All printed web pages must contain our copyright notice rendered at the bottom of each web page.  Since web pages may occupy more than a single sheet of printed paper, the copyright notice may appear on the last printed page only.  For these web pages, the entire web page consisting of all printed pages must be distributed as a unit.

Additionally, webmasters, web site developers, and corporations and individuals who own or maintain a web site are permitted without prior written permission to render and display our barefoot logo on their web site as a link or in adjacent to a link to our web site.  Where this logo is used, our company name, The Barefoot Hawaiian, must be used in adjacent to this image.  For this purpose, a copy of our logo image may be kept on the related web server.

The above applies both, to web pages that are rendered within a browser window, with or without the aid of a document-style plug-in such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, and to downloadable materials that are made available on this web site.

In addition and in general, we permit other web sites to contain and provide links to any complete publicly available web page on this web site but reserve the right to forbid any web site that renders, at our discretion, questionable or unapproved content, to contain or provide links to our web site.  If necessary, we may block access to our web site referred from web sites of such content nature.

We also permit the web sites of recognized legitimate search engines and domain name look-up tools to cache images and views of our web site pages provided they follow the rules contained in our robots exclusion file.  No file excluded by our robots exclusion rules shall be cached for display on its own or separate from an actual web page that uses it.

In addition, some of the images rendered on this site, are the copyrighted property of other individuals or organizations, such as clients and the media, which may include radio, television, and movie production companies, news shows, newspapers, magazines, or any other media or press covered under First Amendment rights.  Where those images are rendered on this site, they contain embedded images that were left intact, imbedded copyright notices, or are rendered with captions that contain copyright notices or other information that identify the owner of these images.  None of the images owned by others may be copied or printed from this web site or used without the permission from their respective owners.

Owners or copyright holders of any image rendered on this web site may at anytime request their photography or images removed from this site by contacting the Barefoot Hawaiian.  Such images will be removed promptly upon demand.

Thank you for your cooperation and abidance in protecting the assets and property of The Barefoot Hawaiian, Inc. and those of others with content on this web site.  By accessing this web site you agree to these terms of use.

For more information, call The Barefoot Hawaiian® at (847) 699-7336
Bringing Hawaii to the Mainland for 50 Years