Note our
new mailing address
The Barefoot
Hawaiian, Inc.
P.O. Box 756
Prospect Heights, Illinois 60070
Phone: (847) 699-7336
Page Quick Links:
Business Hours:
12:30 PM – 3:00 PM (Central Time)
Closed for the
following holidays: New Years Day, July 4th,
Thanksgiving Holiday on both Thursday &
Friday, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.
During our general office hours we are
available by phone for all the business we
conduct. This includes inquiries about and
booking entertainment and inquiries regarding our
dance classes.
The Barefoot Hawaiian does not offer any
walk-in business service. All business is
conducted by phone, email, and US mail.
(847) 699-7336
Gwen Kennedy
12:30 PM – 3:00 PM (Central Time)
Closed for the
following holidays: New Years Day, July 4th,
Thanksgiving Holiday on both Thursday &
Friday, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.
After Hours:
Leave a message on our
24-hour, 7-days/week Entertainment Hot Line
Dance Classes are currently on Hiatus
Please call during our general office hours for
more information about dance classes that may be
held in the future
(847) 699-7336
Closed for the
following holidays: New Years Day, July 4th,
Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day,
Memorial Day, and Labor Day.
After Hours:
Leave a message for a call back on our
24-hour, 7-days/week Hot Line
Scottie the Parrot SM c/o LCC
Enterprises Inquiries, scheduling, and
bookings for
Scottie are handled directly by
his owner and trainer. Call and speak with (or leave a message for) Lou.
Phone: (630) 495-7338
Scottie the Parrot Web Site
Scottie the Parrot SM is
owned and operated by LCC Enterprises, a third
party separate from the Barefoot Hawaiian.
Quotes and contracts for Scottie the Parrot are
arranged directly by his owner and trainer and are
provided separately from those of the Barefoot
Scottie the Parrot SM
and the Barefoot Hawaiian have a mutual working relationship that benefits your event.
We work together to make it the best it can be. Further
details on how we work mutually can be provided
during your inquiry.
The Barefoot Hawaiian is available for
Polynesian Entertainment around the world.
Please allow sufficient lead time for
international bookings.
The Barefoot Hawaiian regularly performs
throughout the continental United States and
Canada. For bookings outside of the
Midwestern region please allow sufficient lead
time for us to accommodate your needs.
Our core operating area is the greater Chicago
and Chicago Land region, Wisconsin, Indiana,
Michigan, Iowa, and Missouri.
We regularly service this region in volume.
Have a last moment need? Call us.
With our staff of
over 17 performers, we may be able to book your
event with relatively little lead time. In
the greater Chicago Land area, we are often able
to provide same-day service.
The Barefoot Hawaiian appreciates any and all
feedback from clients, patrons, guests, and
audience members regarding our show and
performance. Please determine the best and
most efficient way to provide your feedback from
the following categories:
Clients: Please provide your
feedback to us directly either by phone or by the
confidential email address that was used in our
communications when setting up your event.
Guests of Private Parties: If you
were a guest or customer of a private party (this
would be any event not listed in our Event
Schedule web page), then this event was run
entirely and exclusively by your host. The
best method of providing your feedback would be
directly to your host. They are in the best
position to collect and consolidate all feedback
and pass it on to us along with their comments so
we may respond or act on it most
efficiently. If the circumstance is one of
an unresolved issue between you and the event's
host, you must communicate the matter directly
with the host. The Barefoot Hawaiian does
not become involved in any internal matters of
private events and parties.
Customers of a Barefoot Hawaiian Event:
If you attended an event that was run directly
by or sponsored all or in part by the Barefoot
Hawaiian, we would love to hear from you.
This would be any event from which you purchased a
ticket directly from or paid an admission or
entrance fee to the Barefoot Hawaiian. We
want to know where we did good and where we need to
improve. If the matter is one of significance
requiring immediate attention you may contact us
by phone at 847-699-7336 Extension #1; otherwise,
email your feedback to:
Audience Members of a Public Show or
This applies if you were the customer, guest,
or audience member of an event that was open to
the public but not sponsored directly by the
Barefoot Hawaiian. (Note: all public events
are on our Event Schedule page.) For this, the best method
of providing your feedback would be directly to
the host, promoter, or sponsoring organization
that held the event. They are in the best
position to collect and consolidate all feedback
and pass it on to us along with their comments so
we may respond or act on it most efficiently.
If there is something exceptional that you want us
to know, we welcome such feedback via email

If the circumstance is one of an unresolved
issue between you and the event's sponsor, you must communicate the
matter directly with the host. The Barefoot
Hawaiian has no means to become involved in or
resolve issues between our client and customers of
that client. If, however, for public events
only, yours is one of exception that you think we
should at least know about, you may email your
feedback to us at:

While we cannot become involved in resolving
any dispute, our reputation with our audience
members is our most prized and valuable
asset. An aggregate of feedback about a particular event, will help us determine
whether we wish to return to performing at that event
or not.
(Page Last Revised
April 6, 2023)